
Commonly used data sets for hub location problems include:

Australia Post (AP) dataset for p-hub median and capacitated hub location problems ==================================================================================


The Australia Post data set was first published in:

This download contains the AP (Australia Post) data set for p-hub median and capacitated hub location problems. The files contain the following:

Data file format for nodes file:

<n>                         Number of nodes
<x[1]> <y[1]>               x & y coordinates of node 1
<x[n]> <y[n]>               x & y coordinates of node n
<w[1][1]> <w[1][2]> ... <w[1][n]>    flow from node 1 to all others
: : :
: : :
<w[n][1]> <w[n][2]> ... <w[n][n]>    flow from node n to all others
<p>        Number of hubs (for p-hub median problems)
<δ>        Collection cost
<α>        Transfer cost
<χ>        Distribution cost

All of the costs are per unit (euclidean) distance, per unit flow volume divided by 1000.

The costs and and capacity files contain one number for each node (in the same order as in the nodes file). For FcostX.NN this represents the cost of making the node a hub. For CapY.NN the numbers are the capacity on incoming commodities (including from the node itself) if that node is made a hub.

Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) Hub Location Instances ==================================================================================

This is really just a 25 node instance with smaller instances created by taking the first n nodes (typically for n=10,15 & 20) and by varrying the transfer cost (typically 0.2 to 1.0 in steps of 0.2). These instances have been contributed to the research community by M.E. O’Kelly.

This is the 25 node data set that has been used extensively with hub and spoke location models. It is sometimes referred to as the CAB data set. Full references to the source and prior results for these data can be found in several previous paper, including

  1. O’Kelly, Morton E. “A quadratic integer program for the location of interacting hub facilities.European Journal of Operational Research 32, no. 3 (1987): 393-404.
  2. O’Kelly, Morton E., Deborah Bryan, Darko Skorin-Kapov, and Jadranka Skorin-Kapov. “Hub network design with single and multiple allocation: A computational studyLocation Science 4, no. 3 (1996): 125-138.

This data is provided in two formats
