The DCMST problem is to find a minimum cost spanning tree on a graph in which each node has at most a maximum degree d. The DCMST data available here has been used in the following papers:
The CRD and SYM data sets have been obtained from Anton Volgenant, the remainder have been created by Andreas Ernst and Mohan Krishnamoorthy.
The CRD files contain simply co-ordinates in a 2-dimensional euclidean space (truncate to integer). All others contain 1/2 of the symmetric cost matrix between all pairs of points. These should be read with a loop of the form:
for i=1..n:
for j=1..i-1:
distance[i,j] = distance[j,i] = read_next_number;
Note that the number of nodes, n, is given by the file name (the first two digits, with the last digit being the instance number). The only exception is that the 100 node data sets are 10x for x=0..9
There are 126 such data files in
: list of best known solutions to go with the 2001 paper on DCMST written by Ernst, Krishnamoorthy & Sharaiha