
The Indonesia Container Distribution (ICD) dataset

By Wira Redi, Hamid Mokhtar, Mohan Krishnamoorthy, and Andreas T. Ernst; Nov 25th, 2017

File: see also ICD Computational Results


The main directory is ICD. It contains original instances. The other directories contain modified version of the orignial instances to either include more rail links, or consider a discount factor for usage of rail links in the problem input.

<ICD>               The set of original instances 
<ICD10xtra>         The set of instances with 10% more rail links than the original ones
<ICD25xtra>         The set of instances with 25% more rail links than the original ones
<ICD66prcnt>        The set of instances whose rail transfer costs are discounted by 66%
<ICD99prcnt>        The set of instances whose rail transfer costs are discounted by 99%


Each directory contains the Indonesian Container Distribution network design datasets. The format of each file is as below:

Generate instances

usage: (run in shell script)

 $ python DIRECTORY 

For example, run python ICD


Instance format: <n>.<h>.<p>.<q>

<n>                   Number of nodes including potential hubs  
<a>                           Number of arcs  
<m>                           Number of modes
<h>                           Number of potential hubs
<p>                           Number of hubs
<q>                           Minimum number of rail hubs
<c1> <c2> <c3>            Cost factors for modes 1,...,m  {m= 1 for sea,m=2 for road,m=3 for rail}
<s>                           Number of potential inland hubs
<S1> ... <Ss>               Potential inland hubs  
<i_1> <j_1> <d_1> <m_1>         Travel distance (in meter) <d_t> from <i_t> to <j_t> with mode <m_t> 
<i_a> <j_a> <d_a> <m_a>                    
<w[1][1]> <w[1][2]> ... <w[1][n-h]>            flow from the first O/D node to all others
  :         :             :
  :         :             :
<w[n-h][1]> <w[n-h][2]> ... <w[n-h][n-h]>      flow from n-h demand nodes to all others


<F_1>                               The fixed cost of potential hub <1>
G<1,2>  G<1,3>                         G<k,l>  is the change-mode cost factor from mode k to mode l at a seaport
G<2,1>  G<2,3>  G'<2,3>                G'<k,l> is the change-mode cost factor from mode k to mode l at an inland hub
G<3,1>  G<3,2>  G'<3,2>