
The multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem (MDVSP) dataset

By Sarang Kulkarni, Mohan Krishnamoorthy, Abhiram Ranade, Andreas Ernst, and Rahul Patil; Jan 2018


The directory contains sixty instances of the MDVSP. Each instance file is named as RN-m-n-k.dat, denoting the k’th instance involving m depots and n trips. Each instance contains following information:

  1. m - number of depots
  2. n - number of trips
  3. l - number of locations
  4. v_i - the maximum number of vehicles in depot i = {1,...,m}
  5. Trip information of each trip i: start time (s_i), start location (p_i), end time (e_i), and end location (q_i)
  6. Travel matrix: Time to travel between any two locations l_i to l_j: d(l_i,l_j) Note: Locations are numbered from 0 to l-1. Locations {0,...,m-1} are depot-locations (locations of depots) and locations {m,...,l-1} are trip-locations(where trips start/end).

Format of each instance is as follows:

Various costs in different formulations are calculated as follows:

  1. The multi-commodity network flow formulation (MCNF):
    • Pull-out cost from depot i to trip j = 5000 + 10 * d(l_i,p_j).
    • Pull-in cost from trip j to depot i = 5000 + 10 * d(q_j,l_i).
    • Connection from trip i to trip j is feasible if s_j \ge e_i + d(q_i,p_j), and
    • connection cost is given by: 8 * d(q_i,p_j) + 2 * (s_j,e_i).
  2. The time-space network flow formulation (TSNF): Each node j represents location (l_j) at time (t_j). Location for depot i is represented as l_i. The start-time (t_0) of planning horizon is zero, and end-time (t_e) is calculated as \max(q_1,...,q_n) + 10.

    • The pull-out cost from node i to node j, where node i represents depot-location i at t_0 and node j represents trip-location j at time t_j = 5000 + 10 * d(l_i,l_j). The pull-in cost from node i to node j, where node i represents depot-location i at t_e and node j represents trip-location j at time t_j = 5000 + 10 * d(l_j,l_i).
    • The deadheading cost from location node j to node k, where node j represents trip-location l_j at time t_j and node k represents trip-location l_k at time t_k = 8 * d(l_j,l_k) + 2 * (t_k - t_j). Note that deadheading is possible if t_k \ge t_j + d(l_j,l_k).
    • The waiting cost from node j to node j+1 that represent the same trip-location l_j at time t_j and t_{j+1}, respectively = 2 * (t_{j+1} - t_j).
  3. The inventory formulation: Each node j represents location (l_j) at time (t_j). Location for depot i is represented as l_i. The start-time (t_0) of planning horizon is zero, and end-time (t_e) is calculated as \max(q_1,...,q_n) + 10.
    • The pull-in arc from node j to node i, where node j represents trip-location l_j at time t_j and node i represents depot-location l_i at t_e = 5000 * 10 d(l_j,l_i).
    • The cost of the inventory arc that starts from depot-location l_i at t_0 to end of trip j at node (q_j,e_j) = 5000 * 10 d(l_i,q_j).
    • The cost of the inventory arc that starts from trip-location l_j at t_j to end of trip k at node (q_k,e_k) = 8 * d(l_j,p_k) + 2 * (s_k - t_j). Note that the inventory arc is feasible if s_k \ge t_j + d(l_j,p_k).
    • The waiting cost from node j to node j+1 that represent the same trip-location l_j at time t_j and t_{j+1}, respectively = 2 * (t_{j+1} - t_j).

Use C++ file GenerateInstances.cpp to generate new instances.

Usage: ./GenerateInstances m n k

where m - number of depots, n - number of trips, and k - number of instances to be generated.